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Challenges to Solutions—Award-Winning Approach to Banking Technology

Written by Theresa Meawad | Jul 22, 2024 4:00:00 AM

In the fast-evolving landscape of banking, institutions face a myriad of challenges, from managing vast amounts of data to ensuring compliance with complex accounting and disclosure requirements, all while striving for operational efficiency and accuracy. Manual processes and reliance on spreadsheets can only go so far, often leading to inefficiencies, increased risk, and limited transparency.

For its combination of software and services to solve reserving, accounting, risk, and credit reporting requirements, SS&C EVOLV was named Best as-a-Service Solution – Integration & Automation in the 2024 Banking Tech Awards USA by Fintech Futures. EVOLV’s integrated end-to-end platform alleviates the common challenges banks face, showcasing why it earned this prestigious award.

The Data Dilemma

Banks must handle vast volumes of data from various sources, making data management a significant challenge. The manual integration and normalization of this data is time-consuming and prone to errors. This complexity often results in delayed decision-making and a lack of real-time insights, crucial for maintaining competitiveness and meeting accounting and disclosure requirements.

Compliance with Accounting and Disclosure Requirements

Navigating the stringent accounting and disclosure landscape is another major challenge. Banks must comply with standards like IFRS and US GAAP and strict regulations such as stress testing and capital requirements, to avoid penalties and ensure accurate reporting. The complexities involved in these requirements can lead to misstatements and audit findings if not managed effectively. Therefore, automated compliance solutions are critical to reducing these risks.

Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency remains a key focus for banks aiming to reduce costs and improve = transparency. However, reliance on traditional, manual processes hampers these goals. Automating repetitive tasks can significantly enhance efficiency, reduce human error, and free resources for more strategic initiatives. This shift improves accuracy and allows for better resource allocation and productivity.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is crucial in today’s volatile economic environment and changing competitor landscape with the rise of fintech firms and non-bank lenders. Banks need robust credit analytics and stress-testing capabilities to anticipate and prepare for economic downturns. Performing “what-if” simulations and stress testing against different scenarios helps in optimizing asset portfolios and mitigating potential risks. This proactive approach is essential for maintaining financial stability and resilience.

Enhancing Transparency and Reporting

Transparency in financial reporting is vital for building trust with stakeholders and complying with accounting and disclosure requirements. Banks must produce accurate and timely reports for various stakeholders, including board members and regulatory bodies. Implementing comprehensive reporting solutions that support multiple formats can streamline this process, reduce the time and effort required, and ensure that all filings are accurate and timely.

Looking Ahead

As the banking industry continues to evolve, institutions must leverage innovative solutions to address these pressing challenges. By embracing automation, enhancing data transparency, and improving risk management practices, banks can operate more efficiently and make better-informed decisions. These strategies are crucial for supporting growth, ensuring compliance and maintaining a competitive edge in the dynamic banking environment.

SS&C EVOLV addresses these challenges by providing a comprehensive domain-aware platform that automates data integration, ensures compliance with accounting and disclosure requirements, enhances operational efficiency, and offers robust risk management tools. In today’s volatile economic environment and changing competitor landscape, EVOLV stands out for its ability to help banks navigate these complexities.

By reducing reliance on manual processes and improving data transparency, EVOLV empowers banks to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and maintain regulatory standards, ultimately supporting growth and stability. The platform’s capability to integrate and automate complex processes ensures banks can remain competitive and resilient in the face of economic fluctuations and increased competition. And its best-in-class, fully integrated business intelligence modules guarantee banks can quickly analyze the data to garner insights and support robust reporting, to management, the board and external stakeholders alike.

The recognition by the 2024 Banking Tech Awards USA highlights EVOLV’s unique value and capabilities in delivering solutions that meet the specific needs of banks. EVOLV’s ability to address the challenges posed by the nature of banking and bank data and requirements and exacerbate current economic volatility and the evolving competitive landscape is a testament to its innovative approach and effectiveness.

Explore our SS&C EVOLV product page to learn more about SS&C EVOLV’s unique value and capabilities.