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Data Management, Visualization and the Insights Evolution

Written by Alastair Hewitt | Jun 4, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Financial institutions are now at a crossroads where traditional data management frameworks falter under the sheer volume and complexity of modern data challenges. In today’s fast-paced financial services landscape, the ability to effectively manage and visualize data sets goes beyond operational and strategic imperatives; it has become indispensable for institutional survival. As the adage suggests, “Data is the oil of the 21st century.”

So, how can organizations effectively navigate the complexities of data to extract accurate insights? Delve further to uncover our key strategies and insights.

The Evolving Landscape of Data Management and Visualization

Data management and visualization stand at the forefront of financial services, offering a beacon for firms navigating the complexities of big data and the complexities of big data and its trends. Effective data management ensures the orderly handling, storage and maintenance of data, including all the necessary practices to secure access and utilize data effectively across an organization.


Visualization tools transform this raw data into intelligible, visually appealing formats, enabling stakeholders to grasp complex information rapidly and make informed decisions. 


In the competitive arena of financial services, from wealth management to venture capital, the combined power of data management and visualization are not just enablers—but differentiators and drivers for success. They allow institutions to harness their data’s vast potential for strategic advantage, whether through insight-driven decision-making, operational efficiency or customer-centric innovations. 

87.8% of companies have increased their investment in data, and 61.8% of respondents said responsibilities have shifted from defensive activities like compliance and regulatory reporting to offensive ones that include revenue growth, business expansion and customer acquisition.
Source: Forbes

Challenges and Opportunities

However, the data journey is fraught with challenges, primarily due to the limitations of traditional monolithic data architectures in handling the explosion of data volumes and complexities. This bottleneck necessitates a pivot to more dynamic, scalable and efficient data management and analytics platforms. 


Data dispersion across siloed systems, cumbersome data extraction and processing, and stringent security and compliance requirements are just the tip of the iceberg.


Some current challenges with data include with data include:

  • Data volume
  • Data variety
  • Data quality
  • Data privacy
  • Data integration
  • Data infrastructure
  • Data bias

Yet, these challenges underscore the opportunities for firms willing to embrace change and invest in the right technologies.  

29% of businesses say they have seen a profitability or performance gain of at least 11% from investments in data and analytics.
Source: KPMG Global Tech Report

Emergence of Data Mesh and Data Fabric

Enter the concepts of the data mesh and data fabric—each an individual beacon of innovation in the data management domain.


The data mesh decentralizes data management, advocating for a domain-driven design that empowers individual teams to own and manage their data. This approach not only democratizes data access but also enhances quality and agility while mitigating the perennial issues of data silos and governance bottlenecks. 


Related, the data fabric is the term that holds all data information in one unified plane. It seeks solutions to ensure that data can be easily accessed, shared and utilized by various organizational players.


Both are breaking down silos and enabling financial firms to rapidly identify and act on emerging opportunities or risks. 

Advanced Analytics with AI and Machine Learning  

Now the question is, how do you simplify data access, offering autonomy and accuracy through a single SQL query that effortlessly spans different databases? By replacing traditional ETL processes with standardized API-level access on a data management platform like SS&C Everywhere.

This means instead of going through the complex and time-consuming process of extracting data from different sources, transforming it to fit a common format and then loading it into a centralized system, you should be able to access data across databases seamlessly and efficiently with one query. Everywhere also enables real-time organization and analysis of data, so you can squeeze the maximum value from your data for actionable insights.

By leveraging automation and AI, you can enable faster data processing and analytics. Not just that, but you can get deeper insights into your data with sophisticated model-driven analytics powered by AI and machine learning algorithms. For instance, wealth management analytics with predictive modeling to optimize portfolios.   

This type of business intelligence (BI) is also capable of ingesting large data volumes and using automation to surface valuable insights quickly through easy-to-use dashboards. This means your teams can extract real-time BI through flexible, on-demand data access and respond to any market opportunities with agility.

Other benefits include:

  • Accessible data visualizations and reporting
    Data visualizations and dashboards enable business users to quickly grasp key insights for accelerated decision-making. Pairing the robust capabilities of Everywhere with a visualization tool like SS&C Sightline empowers you to transform your data into visually captivating information. This makes your data even more understandable and interpretable, so your team can easily grasp patterns, trends and relationships.
    Sightline also streamlines this process by providing intuitive reporting with drag-and-drop tools, meaning that users can create or customize reports on the fly without IT help.
  • Accelerating time-to-insight and beyond
    By democratizing data access and leveraging advanced analytics, financial firms can accelerate time-to-insight, enhance risk management, personalize client experiences and improve operational efficiency. The scalability and future-proof nature of data mesh and fabric architectures ensure that firms can adapt to growing data volumes and evolving business needs, embracing AI, machine learning and predictive analytics with confidence. 


As the financial services industry continues to evolve, the imperative for effective data management and visualization becomes increasingly clear.  


Firms can unlock the full potential of their data assets, gaining a competitive advantage and fostering innovation, operational excellence and superior stakeholder experiences. The journey requires a holistic approach, embracing cultural shifts, robust governance and technological innovation. However, the rewards—sustainable growth, agility and leadership in the data-driven era—are undeniably compelling.


Make sure you’re ready for the insights evolution. Learn more about Learn more about SS&C Everywhere and SS&S Sightline by getting in touch with us today.