February 12, 2021 by Theresa Meawad
CECL adoption is in the rearview mirror for many SEC filers, but for others, it is still on the road ahead. As other financial institutions prepare to comply with CECL in 2023, there is much to be learned from those who have already adopted it. Likewise, those who adopted in 2020 still have plenty to learn from each other as they think about the path ahead and solidifying their CECL approach. CECL is not a prescriptive standard, and we are fielding many questions from institutions that are now navigating key decisions such as:
If you’d like to learn from industry experts who have successfully implemented CECL, join us for a live panel discussion with bank executives to hear more about lessons learned and nuances required for a smooth transition.
Panelists include:
Moderated by Theresa Meawad, Director, Solutions Consulting, SS&C Primatics.
Register today for this important webinar, Lessons Learned from 2020 CECL Filers: A Panel on How to Generate Consistent, Repeatable Estimates Considering Reasonable and Supportable Forecasts, which will take place Thursday, February 25 at 2 p.m. Eastern.
Senior Director & Head of Solutions Consulting, SS&C EVOLV