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BLOG. 2 min read

Rising to the Occasion: Diverse Leadership in Asset Management

As the financial industry continues to grow and modernize, how does diversity, equity and inclusion play a role in supporting that growth? DEI programs can have far-reaching benefits for every organization—from the large institutions with global reach to the small institutions that partner with them for products or services. With the variety of fields included under the financial industry umbrella, our industry stands to reap many benefits from elevating people with diverse backgrounds, disciplines and perspectives to leadership positions. But we should also think broadly about what that means, as it can be hard to put people in the tidy boxes we sometimes feel forced into. And when you don’t fit in a box, it can be hard to find a seat at the table.

To help organizations in the asset management industry mentor the next generation of diverse leaders, Nicsa’s Diversity Project North America’s (DPNA) Rising Star Program provides mentorship, networking and career development opportunities to selected candidates from DPNA members. As a member of DPNA, SS&C is proud to support the Rising Star Program and help cultivate aspiring leaders in the industry.

With SS&C having more than 100 global offices and employees across a variety of disciplines, participating in programs like this is important because it both exposes us to new perspectives, and it also sets a good example for others in the industry when we can be a trailblazer through difficult topics.

I was fortunate to be selected for the 2022 Rising Stars Program, representing SS&C. As Rising Stars, we participated in group discussions and training programs and were able to meet peers and leaders who were in very different roles than our own. As SS&C’s Rising Star, I’m excited to incorporate the things I learned into different areas that can benefit our own future leaders.

To my fellow emerging leaders, my advice to you is to not let imposter syndrome take anything away from you. Take a scary step, because the worst anyone can say is “no”—after which you hopefully have the opportunity to ask “Why not?” so you can take that information back, internalize it, work on it, and be better prepared the next time an opportunity presents itself.

Nicsa held its 2023 Fearless Leadership Symposium (FLS) last week in New York City to a sold-out crowd. SS&C’s Nicole Greene, Head of Global Investor and Distribution Solutions, US, was co-chair of this premier DEI-focused conference for global asset and wealth management business leaders; we were also a premier sponsor of the conference.

During the conference, Nicsa revealed the 2023 Rising Stars. We’re thrilled to announce that Ashley Banks, Client Service Manager at SS&C, is part of the 2023-2024 class, continuing our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the industry and at SS&C. Congratulations Ashley! To learn more about Whitney’s experiences as a Rising Star and how DEI initiatives are helping transform the industry, view our video from the FLS conference. If you’re interested in learning about opportunities at SS&C, contact us.

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