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CECL Solutions

From macroeconomic models to required CECL disclosures, SS&C's CECL solutions can help you meet your reserving, disclosure and analytical needs in a SOX-controlled manner.


Talk to Us

The Right-Sized CECL Solution for Your Institution

Experience matters. Generating complex estimates for accounting purposes has been a core competency of SS&C CECL solutions since inception. We have successfully implemented CECL for a broad spectrum of 2020 filers, from the largest banks to smaller credit unions. Plus, our team of experts is here to make your transition as seamless as possible.

Learn more about SS&C EVOLV Reserving

CECL Resources

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What Insurers Need to Know about CECL

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Learn why CECL is important for insurance investors and how treating it as more than an accounting "check the box" exercise can support success.

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EVOLV Reserving

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SS&C EVOLV enables banks & other financial institutions to compute & report Allowance Amount and Provision Expense in a controlled and auditable platform.

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Getting Comfortable with Your CECL Results

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Challenges banks have encountered during CECL implementation, SS&C looks at how they are getting comfortable with their CECL methodologies and results.

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Defining a Successful CECL Implementation

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Transform CECL compliance into CECL success with the only solution that holistically addresses the end-to-end reserving process.

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SS&C EVOLV: Solve Today’s Challenges, Meet the Demands of Tomorrow

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A long-term, sustainable solution that enables our clients to adapt to changing business needs and meet new reporting requirements.

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CECL Model Validation: The Role of Benchmarking and Challenger Models

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Listen in as Ipso Facto and SS&C review the role benchmarking and challenger models in validating your CECL results.

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Getting Comfortable with Your CECL Results

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Listen in as banking, finance, and risk professionals discuss challenges faced with gaining comfort over the CECL allowance in this on-demand roundtable.

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EVOLV – Loan Accounting Solution

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SS&C EVOLV provides a controlled and scalable platform that combines advanced risk, accounting, and robust analytics allowing you be more efficient.

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EVOLVEA Overview

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Now is the time to equip your institution with our all-in-one CECL solution that integrates the entire allowance estimate into one platform.

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How a Modern Loan Subledger Can Transform Your Finance Organization

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Create a competitive edge by transforming your finance organization with modern technology solutions, flexible architecture, and a scalable data model.

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Qualitative Factors Under CECL

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What is the qualitative adjustment, and what are the qualitative factors under CECL? Download this whitepaper to learn more.

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A Balanced and Practical Approach to CECL

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Institutions can address the transition to CECL in a controlled, secure and scalable environment that stands up to the high degree of scrutiny.

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A Q&A Round-Up on Modern Loan Subledgers

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Learn more about the functionality of a modern subledger, and how it can help your organization achieve efficiencies and actionable insights.

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The Modern Finance Department

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The modern subledger can be more than accounting for past performance. It can lead to forward progress with true measurement against strategic initiatives.

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Getting Comfortable with Your CECL Results Through Challenger Models

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Appropriate challenger model help address limitations of model stability monitoring, backtesting and benchmarking offering insights into CECL results.

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Lessons Learned from 2020 Filers

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Lessons learned form 2020 CECL filer, including that an internal validation committee enables you to understand the impact of your CECL inputs.

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How to Get CECL-Ready with Lessons Learned from 2020 Filers

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CECL adoption is in the rearview mirror for many SEC filers, but for others, it is still on the road ahead.

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Navigating CECL in the COVID-19 World: What Have We Learned and What Will Future Challenges Be?

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View our webinar to learn how COVID complicated the transition to CECL, how firms have adjusted, and what to expect next

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Enhanced Analytical Reserving Solution

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SS&C EVOLV’s Enhanced Analytical Reserving Solution (EVOLVEA) provides the power of a model without the need for a modeling team.

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Five Common Pitfalls to Avoid for 2023 CECL Filers

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Hundreds of financial institutions have completed the first phase of their CECL journey, and along the way, many pitfalls were identified.

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