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SS&C Flex: Global Support for Disruptive Business Events

Organizations are often confronted with disruptive business situations and don’t have enough qualified resources to meet the challenge. SS&C Flex is your secret weapon for tackling and minimizing the impact of unusual and seasonal events on your operations.

Expert Support for Disruptive Business Events

When your business encounters a challenging event, you don’t have to go it alone. With global reach and a comprehensive suite of services, SS&C Flex helps you minimize disruption and cost. Focus on business as usual while we take care of the rest.


Case Study

SS&C Flex Client Case Studies

SS&C Flex helps insurers, investment firms, banks and other institutions manage disruptive business events on an outsourced basis.


Prepare for the Unexpected: A Guide to Remediation and Investor Distributions

SS&C Flex provides remediation and distribution expertise and outsourcing services so you can focus on your business and help reduce your risk.


Expert Support for Disruptive Business Events

SS&C Flex is a resource for outsourced flexible staff to manage extraordinary events with a compete suite of services.

Expert Capabilities Stand Ready to Assist

Flex Resources as Needed

Rapidly staff, execute and match resources to volume spikes, providing you flexibility when you need it most.

Maximize Existing Staff

Eliminate the need to divert resources to the event by augmenting your staff with our dedicated team of experts who are focused solely on your special situation.

Modern, Secure Infrastructure

Access to established, reliable and modern infrastructures and state-of-the-art operation centers.

Secure Environment

Industry-leading security protocols giving you and your customers peace of mind that sensitive information stays secure.

Multiple Response Options

Optimize customer response rates through multiple communication channels, such as call center, email, print mail and custom website capabilities.

Operational Efficiencies

Leverage machine learning and intelligent automation technologies to collect and analyze data and drive efficient response processes.

SS&C Flex | Expert Capabilities at a Moment’s Notice

When your business is at capacity or faces a critical, time-sensitive business event, return to business as usual – quickly and cost effectively with SS&C Flex.