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Retirement Intelligence Analytics Suite

There’s more to measuring the success of a retirement plan than the number of participants and total assets. The true measure of a plan is how well the plan is preparing participants for retirement.

Knowledge and Action Driven by Retirement Intelligence

Retirement Intelligence helps retirement service providers reveal unforeseen challenges and opportunities for themselves and for their clients that can drive directly to the bottom line.

financial data on monitor illustration

thumbnail image of plan health dashboard pdf

Plan Health Dashboard

Identify specific data needed for measurement and help plan sponsors make better decisions about their retirement plan.

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Understand Your Customers with Success Metrics and Key Performance Insights

Plan Health Dashboard Interactive real-time view for plan sponsors. Plan Health Dashboard puts an innovative new approach to supporting plan health literally in the hands of plan sponsors resulting in more engagement and action. The app-like clean, clear layout not only presents key metrics in a user-friendly format, but data is real-time so plan sponsors and their advisors can collaborate continuously on optimizing plan health—a valuable and differentiating dynamic.

Plan Health Review Detailed, point-in-time review for face-to-face meetings. Many plan providers and plan sponsors still find printed plan health reports a valuable document for assessing plan health and driving conversations. Plan Health Review is custom-designed to facilitate discussion of plan metrics and provide plan-specific performance scores and targeted recommendations.