A global managed data service that normalizes and aggregates securities data from leading sources into a single customized feed.
Consolidate Market Data to Seamlessly Manage Securities and Portfolios
Provides pricing updates, security master details, corporate actions data, FX rates, fixed-income coverage, credit ratings and supporting data via a single interface into any portfolio management platform or related system.

SS&C SVC (Securities Data Services)
A single, consolidated, and customized securities data feed from leading global sources providing superior data quality and market coverage.
Consolidated Investment Market Data From Leading Global Sources
Extensive network of data providers via a single point of contact to control costs, reduce maintenance and eliminate multiple dedicated interfaces.
Consistent, single-feed format that can be customized to your unique needs, and can easily integrate into your portfolio management platform and other related systems.
Data professionals can research and resolve discrepancies on your behalf.
Single-source design provides comprehensive coverage allowing you to receive all of your securities prices, FX rates, security master data, corporate actions data, fixed-income coverage, credit ratings and more in one feed.
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